A Journey into the Teaching Experience

A site maintained by teachers for teachers

Engine 001: Simple Game Creator


All students, not just those who have Computer Studies as their option at school, enjoy playing tangible and online games. They become more engaged and interested if the games are created by the students themselves. One useful tool which can be introduced to students and which practically requires no computer science knowledge or coding to create a game is Engine 001. Students have the opportunity to create games of their own without using any programming code, hence very simple to experiment with. After creating one, they can eventually access their game from any device and can play it at their comfort any time which suits them best.

This software is totally free of charge and from various feedbacks; one can see its effectiveness and suitability. It consists of only point and click scripting and eventually the customizations of the background, the characters and any other feature one want to incorporate in his/her game.

Students may also access:

*The latest news consisting of the latest games uploaded by other students

*Some screenshots and game features

*Some educational version downloads

* Other general resources

* And all the other games created by the other users throughout the years

It also has a support section for the students’ parents and they can participate through an online Forum.

In the below YouTube one can vividly see the different features of such tool and how easy it is to create a game.

One can also find more tutorials on YouTube.



One comment on “Engine 001: Simple Game Creator

  1. bernice1994
    November 11, 2014

    Students spend quite some time playing games, so why not including games in education. However, these games should have the aim of teaching them something. By having tools like Engine001, students can experiment and easily create their own games. Hence, they will be having fun and at the same time learning.

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This entry was posted on November 11, 2014 by in education.
Bryan Alexander

Futurist, educator, speaker, writer

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